Star Wars: The 1st Civil War
Star Wars: The 1st Civil War
Star Wars: The 1st Civil War
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The 1st Jedi Civil War, Taking Place some 4000 years before the rise of the Galactic Empire.
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 Character App

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Tenno Ido
Tenno Ido

Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-05-10
Age : 30

Character App Empty
PostSubject: Character App   Character App Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 1:11 pm

Here is the Appilcation.

Here is a few rules for application
-You cannot start out as a Jedi Master, General.
-You have to have either a NPC or PC master if Padawan Apprentice.
-New members can create Senators. (Senators can inturn after deemed worthy become planetary leaders, like leader of Naboo etc.)
-The year is NOW 4,990 BBY


Birthday: (Here put the year you were born, the year is 3,099 BBY so count back your age and put that year.)

Character looks

Description: (Two paragraphs describing what he/she looks like)
Facial Features:
(Pictures welcome)

Character Info

Faction: (Jedi, Sith, Independant, Senate, Army/Navy of republic or sith Navy Army etc. Anything is allowed for Faction, hell if you want, you can make your own minus Jedi or Sith factions.)
Rank: (Put the lowest rank in the faction you choose, You must work your way up and a Higher up will then decide when you are promoted. It wont be long because we want the RP to be constantly moving)
Force Sensative:
Force Powers: (Force Sensative Characters can list there powers here. If you are a Youngling you dont know any, a Padawan you can choose three powers to start with, and when you get promoted or learn new moves you can add them here Also put the percentage of how well you can do the move. EX: Force Push = 59% and list your lightsaber combat style and percentage.)

Background History

(we want 3 paragraphs, please be detailed because I will read this.)
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